When really smart people keep getting money thrown at them to invest, the already high interest level I have in the situation becomes even larger.
Category: Premium Articles
Bruce Berkowitz Talks To Forbes
Bruce Berkowitz who run the Fairholme Fund (FAIRX) is one of the best out there. This is great video in which he talks about specoific holdings and his philosphy in general.
One had to wonder how receptive business will be for the next gov’t program when folks participating in this one can’t get what owed them.
One had to wonder how receptive business will be for the next gov’t program when folks participating in this one can’t get what owed them.
A Juicy Addition?
Almost dismissed this one out of hand…..glad I didn’t:
Time To Invest in Real Estate
I just love good information coming in from readers, thanks “bhall” for the email…..
Online– Yesterday STORES Magazine released the list of its 50 Favorite Online Retailers of 2009 and we’re happy to announce that www.Sears.com – #10, www.LandsEnd.com – #15 and www.Kmart.com – #23, all made the top 25!
Kmart.com showed the biggest improvement moving from #34 to #23. STORES commented, “Living paycheck to paycheck is a sobering reminder of the need to stretch every dollar. With improved assortments and an easy-to-navigate Web site, Kmart.com provides a value-oriented option.”
STORES Favorite 50 Online Retailers is a list of e-Commerce Web sites as ranked by the consumers who use them. The survey polled 8,635 consumers and asked two open-ended questions: “What Web site do you shop most often for apparel items?” and “What Web site do you shop most often for non-apparel items?” No merchants’ names were listed or suggested. The final list was assembled by ranking online companies in order of total mentions.
This recognition joins Online’s earlier recognition by Acquity Group as the Overall Best-in-Class company for adaptation of mobile e-commerce initiatives in its mobile study of the 2008 Internet Retailer 500 and e-Tailing Group’s Annual e-Commerce Gauge Top Customer Experience Web Site where www.sears.com received the top score of 88.25.
Full chart:
Now we have posted here a bit lately both about Sears Corporate online strategy and our thoughts on where we think it is going and the changes made. Throughout is all we have said that none of it matters unless it resonates with customers. Survey like this give us insight that it just may be.
The key now is to watch and see where it goes. Again, month to month variations need to be discounted but large moves up, like the one Kmart.com made are worth noting.
We’ll keep an eye on this…
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