
Schoonover Actually Did It…..

Circuit City’s (CC) CEO actually made me spit coffee out my nose when I read his comments regarding thier latest fiasco. It hurt…

I have documented CC’s travails before

Said “Phil the Shill” Monday: “Our sales performance, while disappointing, was in line with our expectations,”. For those of you who do not know what their expectations were, they were “lousy”. Then he continued, saying he will pay attention to giving sales associates the “necessary knowledge and tools needed to improve both sales and margin.” That is when the coffee came out….

It is a nice plan but Phil, you have had this job three years now!! Shouldn’t this have been maybe at the top of the “to do” list in, I don’t know, 2005??

Then, in case we missed it when they release horrific number last month, Phil said “Our efforts to turn around the business have led to greater disruption than we anticipated,” I don’t even know what that means!! Did someone forget to order TV’s?

He continued, “but we continue to believe that we are on the right path to return to sustainable, profitable growth and increasing shareholder value,”. Does he really think anyone believes that? I mean really?!?

Based on these results, Schoonover reaffirmed his outlook for a “modest loss” before taxes for the fourth quarter. Modest? Want the translation? He has absolutely no idea…

Oh yeah… Memo to Herb Greenberg, still want to stick with your 2007 “Worst CEO” pick? I will give you a do over..

Best Buy (BBY) reports Friday.

Disclosure: Will never own shares in any company Schoonover is affiliated with.

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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Online Retail Traffic Through 12/22

I have an interesting question about the group.

1. (WMT)= 7.94%
2. (TGT)= 5.06%
3. (BBY)= 3.96%
4. / (SHLD)= 3.72%
5. (CC)= 3.07%
6. (JCP)= 2.03%
7. (private)= 1.97%
8. (M) = 1.43%
9. (KSS)= 1.3%

Data from Hitwise

The question? How in all that is holy can Circuit City be losing money? They have been in the top 5 all season and are currently the only one of the group losing cash. Pathetic comes to mind…

Wal-Mart has commanded essentially a 3% lead over #2 Target all fall. Now, with Target announcing a recent December sales disappointment, this 3% may be the difference for Wal-Mart being successful this holiday season. When you add Wal-Mart advertising of its very popular “site-to-st0re” program and Target’s lack thereof, a hard lesson may have been l;earned by Target execs this season.

What will be interesting is to see results from Sears Holdings which has a similar program but did not advertise it as hard..

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Friday’s 52 Week Low’s

WM Washington Mutual Inc 13.09
WEN Wendy’s International … 26.26
TLB The Talbots, Inc 11.93
TIN Temple-Inland Inc 29.51
PFCB P F Chang’s China Bis … 22.76
MSO Martha Stewart Living … 8.84
MDS Midas Group Inc 14.97
MAT Mattel, Inc 19.12
JBLU Jetblue Awys Corp 5.98
FIG Fortress Investment G … 15.47
FIC Fair Isaac Corporation 32.42
FDX Fedex Corp 90.39
CC Circuit City Stores, … 4.17
C Citigroup, Inc 29.22

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Blockbuster: Only Slightly Better Than Circuit City

In early November, Blockbuster (BBI) CEO Jim Keyes said “Are we raising prices? No, as of today, what I don’t want to do is raise them three or four times.” Well guess what?

Blockbuster is boosting prices of its DVD-by-mail service for new customers and some existing ones by up to 40 percent. This mean hikes of $2 to $10 depending on “the profitability of the individual subscriber.” Back in June when Blockbuster lowered the prices in a desperate attempt to steal business away from Netflix (NFLX), I simply said they could not maintain the prices because their cost structure was so much higher than that of Netflix.

I said if they wanted to compete on price with their rival, they need to close more stores to lower the basis.

Of the new plan, Blockbuster spokeswoman Karen Raskopf said they are “a really good value for consumers” that are “providing a fair return to Blockbuster.” She said the company hopes the increases won’t cause existing subscribers to quit. “This is not a plan to drive people away,” she said. “We want to keep them all.”

Raising prices is not usually a recipe for keeping customers. Although, Blockbuster has been losing ground on Netflix for the past year so I guess if they just tread water, they will be happy.

At the end of the day this all boils down to the stores. Until they get serious about doing something with them (either closing or selling), they are doomed to play second fiddle to Netflix. They just cannot compete with Netflix on cost and people do not want to have to get in a car in January to go get a video.

Since Blockbuster was last to the online download game and still has not established themselves there, one cannot even say that there is a light at the end of the tunnel…

Blockbuster has gone from the leader in its business to a great business school case study about what happens when management does not see how its business is changing.

The sad thing for shareholders is I think Blockbuster still cannot see it.

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Circuit City: I Am At a Loss

How could you announce million dollar “retention” bonuses for executives and then days later announce results like this? Watching these guys operate is like watching a monkey try to impregnate a football.

For the three months ended Nov. 30, Circuit City’s (CC) losses ballooned to $207.3 million, or $1.26 per share, from $20.4 million, or 12 cents per share, a year ago. Excluding tax-related accounting items, losses totaled 64 cents per share in the latest period.

Sales slipped 3 percent to $2.96 billion from $3.06 billion a year earlier, with sales at stores open at least a year falling 5.6 percent.

CEO Phillip Schoonover still insists Circuit City is on the right track. “We’re implementing the right initiatives to lead to profitability and sustained growth,” he said. “We’re staying the course on our longer-term strategic initiatives.” By long term do you mean by the end of the decade Phil? I mean it has taken you three years to ruin the company, do you really think you can bring it back faster?

Regarding the bonus announcements, Schoonover said the bonuses are essential to keep together a team he spent three years assembling. Three years assembling a team to get these results? Far from getting bonuses for staying with CC, these incompetent buffoons ought to be thanking god everyday they are even employed.

Bruce H. Besanko, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer made the following inexplicable statement regarding the bonuses:

“The base program that we have in place was a combination of stock options and restricted shares. Because of the current stock performance, that program for many of our executives was underwater and so far underwater that it didn’t have any meaningful value over time. In addition to that, our senior most executives did not receive a bonus for the last two years and will not receive a bonus based on this year’s performance. So we have two plans now to retain those leaders. One is our cash-based retention program and two is a stock-based incentive program which is in line with our annual stock-based incentive program and I feel I have the tools in place now to keep the management and leadership as well as the managers at all levels in the company engaged in this work.”

Essentially, he is saying that because the executives performance has been so bad, under the old plan, they were not eligible for a bonus. That being said, CC decided just to lower the bar, just show up for the next three years, performance be damned to get your money. This is disgusting.

This makes me want to buy shares just to bash them every single day……how can shareholders stand for this?

If that isn’t enough to have shareholders going into vapor-lock, Schoonover then said, “We are very dissatisfied with our third quarter results. We underestimated the financial impact from the disruption of our transformation work.” Here it comes “We believe that these issues are primarily self-induced”.

He “believes” they are? What else could it be? What were they doing, remodeling stores in the middle of the Christmas shopping season? Shares are down 25% today and now down 70% for the year.

Back in June
when people speculated Eddie Lampert and Sears might make a run at CC, I opined, “Eddie Lampert, based on past history would just be as likely to wait for these buffoons to run it into bankruptcy and buy it there even cheaper than now.”

It just may get there next year…..

Let’s not forget that current management turned down a $20 offer per share from private equity not too long ago…. shareholders will never see that price again, not with these guys in charge.

Finally, A note to Herb Greenberg: How can you in all intellectual honesty say Eddie Lampert at Sears Holdings (SHLD) is worse than this guy? Herb, Sears IS MAKING MONEY!!!!

This is a call for Herb to do a “do over” with his pick for 2007. We’ll give him a Mulligan or should we now call it a Greenberg?

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Circuit City Approves Executive Awards for Lousy Performance

I guess we finally found out where the money Circuit City (CC) saved by “letting go” its highest paid and most experienced sales people earlier in the year is going, to the folks who made the ill-fated decision.

In an SEC filing, CC said the company’s board approved “retention awards” of $1 million for executive vice presidents and $600,000 for senior vice presidents. The awards will be effective as of January 1, 2008, and vest over a three-year period. Circuit City said the awards were intended “to ensure the stability of the company’s leadership team by providing an incentive” for the officers to stay.

Included in the payouts are Bruce H. Besanko, chief financial officer; George D. Clark Jr., executive vice president for multi-channel sales; and general counsel Reginald D. Hedgebeth.

CEO Philip Schoonover will not be participating in the retention plan, but would be able to receive long-term incentive awards under a 2003 stock incentive plan. Based on both the company’s and the stocks performance, Schoonover gets nothing and in all reality will be fired before next year is out anyway.

One would think shareholders would be outraged by this. They have watched this team lose almost 75% of the company’s market cap this year as shares have fallen from $22 to $6. If we go back a another year, the losses jump to 80% from $30 a share.

I guess the questions is, why would shareholders want to retain these guys? By almost every metric, Circuit City is worse off. Since FY 2005 ended its cash position has steadily deteriorated (from $1 billion to $400 million), debt has almost tripled and market share has plummeted. They did manage to raise the dividend this year from 16 cents a share from 7 cents in 2005 but given the company’s precarious financial situation, even that decision is questionable.

Both Best Buy (BBY), Wal-Mart (WMT) and Sears Holdings (SHLD) all have reported strong electronics sales this Christmas. If Circuit City does not do the same, there ought to be a shareholder revolt.

It just seems that every time we hear from Circuit City, they leave us scratching our heads. At least we are not shareholders, they are probably pounding their heads on a table.

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Tueday’s Upgrades and Downgrades

Nutrisystem NTRI Boenning & Scattergood Market Perform » Market Outperform
MGI Pharma MOGN Susquehanna Financial Negative » Neutral
Cascade CAE Rodman & Renshaw Mkt Perform » Mkt Outperform
RSC Holdings RRR UBS Neutral » Buy
Nymagic NYM Fox Pitt In Line » Outperform
Dyncorp Intl DCP Wachovia Mkt Perform » Outperform
Gemstar-TV Guide GMST Morgan Joseph Hold » Buy
Perficient PRFT Roth Capital Hold » Buy
Cornell Corr CRN Lehman Brothers Underweight » Equal-weight
Bankrate RATE Citigroup Hold » Buy
Dyncorp Intl DCP Jefferies & Co Hold » Buy
ITT Educational ESI Lehman Brothers Equal-weight » Overweight
Air France KLM AKH UBS Neutral » Buy
Ryanair Hldgs RYAAY UBS Neutral » Buy
Terex TEX UBS Neutral » Buy
Beckman Coulter BEC Banc of America Sec Neutral » Buy
Circuit City CC Soleil Hold » Buy

Rohm and Haas ROH KeyBanc Capital Mkts Aggressive Buy » Buy $68
Hemispherx Biopharma HEB Boenning & Scattergood Market Outperform » Market Perform
Gemstar-TV Guide GMST Janco Partners Buy » Mkt Perform $7.10 » $6.35
STEC Inc STEC B. Riley & Co Buy » Neutral $9.50
Amer Mort Accept AMC RBC Capital Mkts Sector Perform » Underperform
Gemstar-TV Guide GMST Kaufman Bros Buy » Hold
Learning Tree LTRE Stifel Nicolaus Buy » Hold
Veolia Environnement VE Brean Murray Buy » Hold
SGX Pharma SGXP JMP Securities Mkt Outperform » Mkt Perform
Emerson EMR Deutsche Securities Buy » Hold
Dominion D Credit Suisse Outperform » Neutral
Red Hat RHT Jefferies & Co Buy » Hold
StatoilHydro STO Deutsche Securities Buy » Hold
Telkom SA TKG Deutsche Securities Buy » Hold
Amgen AMGN Bernstein Outperform » Mkt Perform
Forward Air FWRD Bear Stearns Peer Perform » Underperform
Portugal Telecom PT Credit Suisse Outperform » Underperform
Palm PALM UBS Neutral » Sell

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CompUSA: Bad News for Best Buy and Circuit City

It is one thing to have competition no one goes to, it is another to have people then rush to it when they give things away. This may put a dent in both Best Buy (BBY) and Circuit City’s (CC) holidays.

In announcing the closing, CompUSA announced it will be offering “attractive bargains on computer and electronic products as part of store closing sales and its 103 retail stores will remain open through the holidays.

Earlier this year they closed over half of their U.S. retail stores in a bid to streamline operations and bolster margins at top-performing stores. Guess it did not work.

Long term this will benefit all electronics retailers like the one mentioned about and even Wal-Mart (WMT) and Sears Holdings (SHLD), for this holiday season though, it is not good news.

In order to rid itself of inventory, undoubtedly CompUSA will be selling merchandise below cost. It is a move unlikely to be replicated by other retailers and this will affect sales during the next 4 weeks in the 103 markets that have the CompUSA locations.

Will it break the holiday season for other retailers? No. It does have the definite possibility of making a good one average or an average one poor though. If anything good comes of we may get a pullback in one of the names as folks over react to the news and get a nice entry price for shares (except Circuit City).

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Retail Web Traffic: Still Wal-Mart’s Domain

Here are the stats from the week ending 12/1. I have eliminated the online only retailers. This is just bricks and clicks combos.

1. (WMT) = 8.3%
2. (TGT) =5.64%
3. (BBY) = 3.88%
4. (CC) =3.11%
5. =2.59%
6. (JCP) =2.56%
7. (SHLD) =2.44%
8. (KSS) =1.38%
9. (M) =1.33%
10. (SHLD) =1.29%

The Sears / Kmart combination places it in a solid 4th just a click or two behind Best Buy. Wal-Mart still is crushing everyone else and this is the reason for the recent news we have seen. A casual look at the parking lots of both retailers in the area show a slight edge to Wal-Mart on most days.

The web traffic is the reason Wal-Mart investors are so optimistic ans Target ones are left wondering “what is going on”? I used the Wal-Mart “site to store” program and it could not have been any easier (not to mention the huge savings I had on the items we bought). The best I can tell from their site, Target has no such program.

Wal-Mart also has a huge advertising push for the program now and based on the results to date, one would be hard pressed to day it has not been an overwhelming success. Got to give it to the folks in Bentonville, they nailed it on this one.

A surprise is Circuit City. They are a constant top 5 site. If this Holiday season it not a success for them, it simply means they did not convert the eyes to buys and that it a pricing issue, pure and simple. Should that be the case, time for CEO Mr. Philip J. Schoonover to be asked to “pursue other opportunities”. The folks have been there, you need to sell them.

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Eddie Lampert: Worst Third World Dictator, Come On Herb..

Why not? As long as Herb Greenberg is going to name him the “worst CEO”, a job he does not hold, how about that too? Come on Herb, this is lousy even for you….

I have a policy of not going after fellow bloggers but when the column written is just so outrageous and fundamentally flawed, well, if you open the door…

Other who made the cut were:

Chuck Prince, formerly of Citigroup (C)
Ed Zander (MOT) of Motorola
Peter van Stolk of Jones Soda (JSDA)
Angelo Mozilo of Country Financial (CFC)
Kerry Killinger of Washington Mutual (WM)
Jimmy Cayne of Bear Stearns (BSC)
Scott Hartman, of subprime lender NovaStar (NFI)
Mesa Air’s (MESA) Jonathan Ornstein
Phil Schoonover of Circuit City (CC)

Every one of the institutions is currently near crippled and more than two will be bankrupt soon. Three of the CEO’s are gone with at least another 3 on the brink. Yet, somehow Lampert is worse?

Here is what this is. Those guys will make everyone’s list this year BECAUSE THEY DESERVE IT. Herb, being the smart guy he is realized that he need to pick someone NOBODY else else would lest his pick just get caught up in the wash of the blogsphere and become irrelevant.

Enter Lampert, a guy who does not even hold the title Herbie gives to him. What is really ironic here is that Greenberg eliminates Zander, Prince and von Stolk who were so bad, they either are no longer employed or soon will be “because they are no longer CEO”. Oh, so lets pick a guy who “never was CEO”? Herb, don’t you think this is just a bit hypocritical, even for you?

What you have in Sears Holdings (SHLD) is the combination of two retailers that prior to Lampert’s purchase we on the trash heap. Kmart was bankrupt was Sears was racing there as fast as it could get there. Now the combination throws off about a billion dollars a year for Lampert and unlike most of the above companies, is still very profitable. Not bad in only two and a half years, huh Herb?

Recently Sears has been caught in the retail environment like Macy’s (M), Home Depot (HD), Lowe’s (LOW) and JC Penny (JCP). If we look at the following 1 year chart, see anything familiar Herb?

The largest one year loser? The very JC Penny that Herb trumpets in his column…

You see Herb, Sears get 40% of revenues from appliances. Those are those big expensive things in you house that if people are not buying and remodeling homes these things go unsold. Since Sears is the #1 retailer with about 20% market share for them, logic would tell you the hit here would be far worse than the others. Right?

If folks are not going there for these things, they also do not pick up the ancillary item they buy when in the store. In a nutshell Herb, this is Sears problem. So, while we wait this out, Lampert is busy buying up shares by the truckload so that when housing turn around and yes it will Herb, Sears EPS will jump as people will resume buying these items again.

I am sure Lampert is somehow responsible for the housing crisis, after all if he isn’t your entire article is, well, just bad journalism… Let’s not make things up Herb.

To say Lampert is “the worst” at a job he does not even have and is worse than the list above justs show desperation on your part. Desperation for relevance in an arena once dominated by folks such as yourself, now owned by us all.

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Circuit City: Please Come Back!!

Circuit City (CC) has now regressed into the guy in high school that dumps his girlfriend only to beg her to come back after he realizes what a huge mistake he made.

Circuit City Spokesman Bill Cimino said last week that Circuit City invited former U.S. workers to apply for jobs, a practice he said was not uncommon in retail, given the typically high turnover. It should be noted here that many of these folks are that same ones that in March, Circuit City let go. More than 3,000 workers were fired and replaced them with lower-paid staff. Cimino added that Circuit City would likely invite more ex-staffers to return next year.

“In a lot of cases, we’ve completely changed how our stores operate; the roles of our associates within the stores,” Cimino told Reuters. “We’ve got a better career path now for associates.” By career path do you mean you will not fired them unexpectedly?

Now, what does Circuit City really hope to accomplish? The good one they let go because the were “too expensive” will already have jobs and those who are still unemployed 6 months after they were let go, do they really want them back? The timing of this is terrible too. They now have themselves competing with the holiday hiring spree that happens every years in retailing.

This is just another in a long line of management failures that has shares snuggled comfortably at 4 year lows. There has been a lot of talk in the blogsphere about shares being a bargain and by most mathematical metrics, they are. Big problem though. In order for those metrics to translate into a retail turnaround and thus have shareholders reap the benefits of that value, management needs to do its job.

Circuit City could carve itself out a niche among the monsters out there like Best Buy (BBY) and Wal-Mart (WMT) much like Julian Day at RadioShack (RSH) has done. It would need to be done on service and a more professional shopping experience. Getting rid of the best folks you have to do that based on their pay scale was just inexplicably short-sighted.

If current management has shown anything, they are just not up to the job and until new management is there, Circuit City will continue to be a value-trap for investors that if it is not bought out soon (next 8 months), will most likely be driven into bankruptcy a sentiment I first expressed in June.

On a side note, why haven’t any of these electronics retailers with “help desks” inside like City’s “Firedog” or Best Buy’s “Geek Squad” jumped at the chance to associate somehow with the hit show “Chuck”? It is a natural association.

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Friday’s Upgrades and Downgrades

EDS EDS Bernstein Mkt Perform » Outperform
BB&T Corp BBT Oppenheimer Sell » Neutral
Orient-Express OEH UBS Neutral » Buy
NOVA Chemicals NCX UBS Neutral » Buy
Office Depot ODP Credit Suisse Underperform » Neutral
Deutsche Telekom DT Lehman Brothers Underweight » Equal-weight
Dick’s Sporting Goods DKS Citigroup Hold » Buy

Smithfield Foods SFD Davenport Buy » Neutral
eHealth EHTH FTN Midwest Buy » Neutral
Highwoods Prop HIW Stifel Nicolaus Buy » Hold
Colonial Properties CLP UBS Neutral » Sell
Jamba JMBA Morgan Joseph Buy » Hold
Stein Mart SMRT Sun Trust Rbsn Humphrey Buy » Neutral
Hibbett Sporting HIBB CIBC Wrld Mkts Sector Outperform » Sector Perform
Gorman-Rupp Company GRC Friedman Billings Mkt Perform » Underperform
Office Depot ODP Bear Stearns Outperform » Peer Perform
Circuit City CC JP Morgan Overweight » Neutral
Telecom Italia TI Lehman Brothers Equal-weight » Underweight
Hot Topic HOTT Citigroup Buy » Hold

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Wednesday’s 52 Week Lows

WEN Wendy’s International … 27.46
WCI WCI Communities, Inc 3.74
WBSN Websense Inc 16.18
TWX Time Warner Inc 16.55
TWP Trex Inc 6.47
TWB Tween Brands Inc 25.13
RGS Regis Corp 26.35
RGCI Regent Communications … 2.06
RCMT RCM Technologies Inc 4.95
R Ryder System, Inc 39.43
PER Perot Sys Corp 12.90
PEIX Pacific Ethanol Inc 4.30
MS Morgan Stanley 48.51
Medicis Pharmaceutica … 25.47
MRT Mortons Restaurant Gr … 12.44
MOT Motorola, Inc 15.33
LOW Lowe’s Companies, Inc 22.11
LLY Eli Lilly and Company 49.09
HSY Hershey Co 38.30
CEM Chemtura Corp 7.13
CCFH CCF Holding Company 12.00
CC Circuit City Stores, … 5.45
C Citigroup, Inc 30.73
BZH Beazer Homes USA, Inc 8.00
BX Blackstone Group L P 21.02

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Sears Holdings: It’s About Brands, Not Stores

Why does Wall St. want Sears Holdings (SHLD) Eddie Lampert to buy more stores, doesn’t he have enough already? Aren’t they always saying that mergers never work? If that is true, why are shareholders wanting a big one and why are they disappointed he is trying to buy a small specialty retailer.

Two news item shed light into what Lampert is doing and no it does not include the purchase of Circuit City (CC), Home Depot (HD) or even the oft speculated about Macy’s (M) .

First: The New Retail Concept In Georgia (this location was a former Kmart).

“Sears will come to life by offering customers a “store-of-shops,” and a fresh design layout with different flooring, fixtures, and displays. Marquee brand names now found in the new Sears include Sony, Hanes, Workwear – by Craftsman, Carhartt, Timberland and Diehard apparel, Levi’s, and Nordic Track. The store will also feature expanded Home Electronics and Home Appliance showrooms, organized around favorite manufacturers, that will also help customers choose the right look, feel and function with other brands Sears carries.

A newly remodeled hardware department will feature innovative and interactive Garage Organization, Mechanics and Carpentry shops to help customers find the right item quickly and efficiently.

Five central internet workstations located throughout the sales floor will provide free high-speed Web access to enable both the customers and associates to quickly access the internet, verify prices, shop online and contact store personnel if help is needed.

The store will also carry a wide range of convenience items previously available at the former Kmart location including full pharmacy services, health and beauty, cosmetics and greeting cards.

This new format will help customers create the look they want and find the gifts they need all in one convenient location. Shoppers will find the quality brands they have come to know and love like Diehard, Craftsman, Ty Pennington, and Kenmore plus extended assortments of national brands from Nordic Track, Schwinn, Reebok and more. Customers can also shop for great fashions with the first 23,000 sq. foot mega Lands’ End shop that brings the legendary brand to life with items for women, men, kids, baby and home. Now families can touch and feel the quality and see the details of Lands’ End products. A special monogramming service is also available to easily personalize just about any Lands’ End item that will take a stitch. There’s even free shipping on any catalog or order placed from the store.”

Another Brand:

Sears Holdings take a 13% stake in Restoration Hardware and is looking at acquiring entire operation.

Now, if you are going to build a nationwide operation of these stores, what do you need? BRANDS. Lampert already has about 3,5000 locations is both the US and Canada. Why would he need to buy another retailer and adopt more locations?

Think about it. What is the most expensive thing a growing retailer experiences? Building new locations. Just ask Target, they are begging Lampert to sell them hundreds of his prime locations because it is cheaper than building them. More space is not what Lampert needs.

What is Lampert going to do? Smaller acquisition of brands that he can then plug into the new concept. Worse case scenario with the Restoration Hardware deal if it goes through, they close up its “back of the house” operations and sell the products through the Land’s End catalog and stores and it is still a winner for him. One good thing about a successful mail order business, no matter who owns it, it makes money. Land’s End, who has years or success here can only make it better.

So, if we go with the Brands thesis, what do we look for? Women. Sears has men with Craftsmen and Kenmore. How about going after Victoria’s Secret or Bath & Body
Works from the struggling Limited Brands (LTD). Either would bring women into Sears for their products and traffic is what Lampert needs and has been shedding assets. Or, buy the whole company currently valued at $6.5 billion and then sell off the unwanted pieces to help pay for it. Maybe for just over a billion dollars he could go for Carter’s (CTI) and create a top notch children’s “store in a store”. Any mother knows Carter’s makes some of the best children’s clothing out there.

Either way, next week’s earnings announcement will be a fun one.

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Friday’s 52 Week Lows

WON Westwood One Inc 2.06
WMAR West Marine Inc 9.32
WLK Westlake Chem Corp 19.82
WIRE Encore Wire Corp 17.89
WIBC Wilshire Bancorp Inc 9.42
THO Thor Industries, Inc 38.44
TGT Target Corp 54.11
SIMC Simclar Inc 5.01
SGK Schawk, Inc 15.12
SFUN Saifun Semiconductors Ltd 8.92
SEH Spartech Corporation 14.40
SBUX Starbucks Corp 22.27
NTRI Nutri Sys Inc New 23.04
NOA North Amern Energy Pa … 14.50
NNI Nelnet Inc 14.23
NLS Nautilus Inc 5.05
NCTY The9 Ltd 22.96
MSO Martha Stewart Living … 10.43
MSII Media Sciences Intl Inc 3.97
MRX Medicis Pharmaceutica … 26.07
MNC Monaco Coach Corp 9.63
IAR Idearc Inc 20.95
HRZ Horizon Lines Inc 24.49
HOMB Home Bancshares Inc 19.24
FNM Fannie Mae 40.91
FNBN FNB Corp 13.25
CC Circuit City Stores, … 6.20
BIG Big Lots Inc 20.10
BHO B+H Ocean Carriers Ltd. 12.73
BDL Flanigan’s Enterprise … 8.22
ACME Acme Communication Inc 3.25
ACF AmeriCredit Corp 11.05
ABL American Biltrite Inc 4.78

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