
Today’s Upgrades / Downgrades

Here are today’s early analyst calls.


National Financial Partners NFP Lehman Brothers Underweight » Overweight

Regal-Beloit RBC KeyBanc Capital Mkts / McDonald Buy » Aggressive Buy

Walgreen WAG Matrix Research Buy » Strong Buy

ScanSource SCSC Matrix Research Hold » Buy

Virage Logic VIRL Needham & Co Hold » Buy

ISIS Pharm ISIS Needham & Co Buy » Strong Buy

Terex TEX Robert W. Baird Neutral » Outperform

Astec Industries ASTE Robert W. Baird Neutral » Outperform

Powerwave PWAV Robert W. Baird Neutral » Outperform

Central Garden CENT Sun Trust Rbsn Humphrey Neutral » Buy

Silgan Holdings SLGN Lehman Brothers Equal-weight » Overweight

Quality Systems QSII Jefferies & Co Hold » Buy

Rush Enterprises RUSHA Bear Stearns Peer Perform » Outperform

Cummins CMI Bear Stearns Peer Perform » Outperform

PACCAR PCAR Bear Stearns Peer Perform » Outperform

Xilinx XLNX Robert W. Baird Neutral » Outperform $30 » $37

Expeditors Intl EXPD Robert W. Baird Neutral » Outperform

Harley-Davidson HOG Robert W. Baird Neutral » Outperform

Regal-Beloit RBC Deutsche Securities Hold » Buy

Weatherford WFT JP Morgan Underweight » Neutra


Komag KOMG Citigroup Buy » Hold

Watsco WSO KeyBanc Capital Mkts / McDonald Aggressive Buy » Buy

IMPAC Mortgage IMH Roth Capital Buy » Hold

Hilton Hotels HLT Matrix Research Buy » Hold BIDU Citigroup Buy » Hold

McDermott MDR Calyon Securities Buy » Add

Commerce Bancorp CBH Sun Trust Robinson Humphrey Buy » Neutral

Tyco TYC Citigroup Hold » Sell

Ensco ESV Credit Suisse Neutral » Underperform

Eldorado Gold EGO UBS Buy » Neutral

Allied World Assurance AWH Lehman Brothers Overweight » Equal-weight

Ball Corp BLL Banc of America Sec Buy » Neutral

Visicu EICU Jefferies & Co Buy » Hold

Cablevision CVC Deutsche Securities Buy » Hold


Today’s Upgrades / Downgrades

Here are the late Friday analyst calls:

Komag KOMG Caris & Company Below Average » Average

Apollo Group APOL BMO Capital Markets Market Perform » Outperform

Western Digital WDC Needham & Co Buy » Strong Buy

Heelys HLYS CIBC Wrld Mkts Sector Perform » Sector Outperform

Phillips-Van Heusen PVH Matrix Research Hold » Buy

Ralcorp Holdings RAH BB&T Capital Mkts Hold » Buy

Diodes DIOD UBS Neutral » Buy

Research In Motion RIMM Morgan Keegan Mkt Perform » Outperform

Solectron SLR RBC Capital Mkts Underperform » Sector Perform

Komag KOMG JP Morgan Underweight » Neutral

Ariba ARBA CIBC Wrld Mkts Sector Underperform » Sector Outperform


Packeteer PKTR JMP Securities Mkt Perform » Mkt Underperform

Cascade CAE DA Davidson Neutral » Underperform

Omega Protein OME DA Davidson Buy » Neutral

Topps TOPP Wedbush Morgan Strong Buy » Buy

Rural/Metro RURL B. Riley & Co Buy » Neutral

Guitar Center GTRC Dougherty & Company Buy » Neutral

Ceragon CRNT Ferris Baker Watts Buy » Neutral

Pinnacle West PNW BMO Capital Markets Market Perform » Underperform

Getty Images GYI Matrix Research Hold » Sell

Barnes & Noble BKS Matrix Research Buy » Hold

Endurance Specialty ENH Stifel Nicolaus Buy » Hold

Castle Brands ROX Oppenheimer Buy » Neutral

Corn Products CPO BB&T Capital Mkts Buy » Hold


Another Update: Harley Davidson

Another update of a past post. In early February I wrote about shares of Harley Davidson (HOG), Don’t Reach for the Bacon Just Yet“.

Again, please read the initial post as this one will reference it and it will make a whole lot more sense if you do. In that post I advised NOT buying shares at their then $70 a share levels and waiting until shares dropped to $60 (they sit at $61 currently). There were a couple of factor I alluded to that I though would drive the price down but would not have any long term negative effect on the company. Let’s update those and see where we are at now.

The Strike:

In February:
“For the first time in history Harley has a strike at its production facility in York, PA. This plant makes Harley’s most profitable bikes. Now even though Harley says there should be no long term effect, there will be an effect now and this year (the longer the strike, the larger the effect).”

The strike turned out to me a non-event. It ‘s duration was about 3 weeks and workers and management played nice in the end. It caused a drop in Q1 earnings and shipments but even that was less that expected.


In February: ” Harley has been selling more and more self financed motorcycles recently through Harley Davidson Finance (this is no different that any other retailer offering you “a credit card” at the checkout). The number of bikes sold this way has gone from 21% to about 48% in the past 6 years. There is concern that more of these loans may be of questionable credit. This could cause losses or decreased earnings at this division which would negatively effect earnings as a whole.”

It would appear that credit tightening in all markets is affecting Harley. Not significantly enough to cause real serious concern, but enough to cause people to dial back their expectations for next year. A recent survey of dealerships showed significant pricing below Harley suggested prices on bikes. This is being done to clear dealer floor before new models come out. Now, if these bikes cannot be moved, then orders to Harley will drop and earnings are going to be negatively affected.

Consumer credit is the main issue with Harley now. Since “easy money” is not so “easy” anymore, there is a certain segment of potential Harley buyers out there who will not be able to get financing to either buy their first bike or, more significantly upgrade to a bigger, more expensive one.

What To Do?

Recently share jumped as rumors swirled that Honda Motors (HMC) would make a bid for Harley. Days later Honda denied the rumor. This illustrates the effect of rumors and how people react to them before they really think about it. I am going to say that shareholders, management and those who work at Harley would rather lay their genitals on a hot tailpipe than see their company sold to the Japanese. This is not to say they have anything against the Japanese but Harley is America through and through and nothing will ever change that. The executive that blessed the transition of Harley from US to foreign ownership would probably spend the remainder of their life “looking over their shoulder” and would have Sammy “The Bull” Gravano saying “thank God I am not that guy”. Let’s just put this one to bed.

Now, does that mean Harley will not be bought out? No, it just means it will not be Honda. It’s valuation is becoming compelling and once this current credit squeeze shakes itself out, shares resume their perpetual upward climb. It would make sense for one of the US auto makers like Ford (F) or GM (GM) to try to pick it up, at least then they would have a profitable division but admittedly the chance of that happening is very slim, if not non-existent.

Buy now? I am going to say no… I think the current credit situation will last a while and next years earning will be be negatively affected. If you are a value investor looking to buy shares , this is good news as the share price will fall more from here. Harley has yet to reduce earnings estimate and when they do (they will) share get hit, hard.

From their current $61 level I would wait for another 10% fall the $54 to $55 and then jump in. Again, this assume no dramatic news event, just the event we anticipate here.

Harley is a great company that is in the midst of a stumble, not a fall, and that may give us value folks a golden opportunity to pick up cheap shares.


Bunker Hill – A Lesson For Investors

“Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes” William Prescott, an American officer, at the Battle of Bunker Hill

The Battle of Bunker Hill took place on June 17, 1775, as part of the Siege of Boston during the American Revolutionary War. By the time the battle had started, 1,400 colonists faced 2,600 British regulars.The result was a Pyrrhic victory for the British, who suffered more than 1000 casualties compared to only about 450 Colonists. It is considered by some to be the bloodiest battle of the war. Being outnumbered almost 2 to 1, William Prescott knew his troops could not afford to miss their targets if they were to have any chance at winning, thus the famous order was given. He knew the closer the British troops came to the colonists, the better his musket troops potential for hitting them was. Their muskets were not very accurate to begin with and as the distance increased from a target what little accuracy they did have decreased. Despite how badly his troops wanted to fire and how difficult it was to wait, they exercised discipline, waited, and inflicted massive casualties on the British troops. Even though they eventually lost the battle, it enabled the Colonists recapture Boston from the British as depleted and exhausted British troops were unable to stop their siege of the city. I can just picture you reading this now thinking “what the hell is he talking about, what does Bunker Hill have to do with investing”? Trust me it does…

The 400 point decline in the Dow Jones on Tuesday and the Wednesday rebound was for investors, our Bunker Hill. There is an almost irresistible need for people to do something, anything, on days like these. When the market is selling off huge, you are driven to sell yourself as you watch profits evaporate, then, on the inevitable bounce the following day, you want to dive right back in and buy everything in sight. You must exercise the same discipline the colonist had at Bunker Hill. Just like their muskets were not accurate at long distances, your decisions are not accurate when you make them based on emotion, not reason. The more emotion, the less accuracy. You should have conditions in place that cause you to either buy or sell the stock of a company and those conditions should have nothing to do with the direction of the market. A decision to sell should be based on business fundamentals, not a temporary drop in price and a buying decision should only be made when a stock hits a predetermined price. You then must exercise discipline on days like these, ignore the market and patiently wait until those conditions are met before acting, or in the words of Prescott, you “see the whites of their eyes”.

If you are a value investor, this process becomes easier in times like this. To look for “value” you must be a contrarian by nature. What does that mean? When everyone is buying a stock, we value folk immediately think it is over priced. When nobody wants it, we tend to think there must be something there worth having. Put simply by Warren Buffet, “I buy fear and sell greed”. Why does this matter? Instead of panicking and selling on days like Tuesday, I begin to get excited as stocks I am watching like Caterpillar (CAT ) and Harley Davidson (HOG ) crept down to the prices I would be willing to pay for them. They never got there so I did not buy them, but who knows, maybe another down day will give me a chance?

By having the discipline to stick to our parameters we should be able to beat the S&P (remember what we are looking for, down less in down days, up more in up days). Despite the market turmoil the past two days, by sitting, watching and waiting like the colonists did the ValuePlays Portfolio picked up almost a full 1% against the S&P. Like them, we will take our Bunker Hill lumps at times, but by exercising discipline like they were able to, we can put in place the elements to win the war…


Don’t Reach For The Bacon Just Yet…

Harley Davidson (HOG) (get it bacon…..hog?) shares have come under pressure recently and you may be tempted to buy some. Let’s step back, take a deep breath and take a closer look.

The case for Harley Davidson:

When you think of motorcycles what comes to mind? Yeah, me too, a Harley. They may have one of the most enduring durable competitive advantages out there today. Can anyone legitimately imagine any motorcycle maker ever becoming a serious threat to Harley? What does this advantage do for them and us as potential investors? It allows us with a higher degree of confidence to estimate future earnings for them as there are far fewer competitive challenges to their products than say Suzuki or Honda face. The fewer variables we have to put into any equation the more certain we may be in the results we arrive at. It also gives them a pricing advantage. Since the average Harley user is college educated and earns $83,000 a year, they are far less price sensitive than the high school kid buying his first Suzuki. Pricing power also enables us more of comfort level when it comes to future earnings. These factors immediately vault Harley to the top of our investment possibilities.

Harley is doing a couple very important shareholder friendly things. Raising the dividend, which puts more money in your pocket and buying back shares. Let me explain why buying back shares helps shareholders. When you buy a stock, if you think of it correctly you are buying a piece of a business. A piece of a whole pie if you will. Let’s say there are 100 shares outstanding of a company (again for easy math) and you buy 2 (two pieces of the whole pie). Now, you own 2% of the business. The company then decides to buy back 5% (or 5) of the shares. After the buyback there are now only 95 shares out there. This increases your ownership to 2.1%. Big deal right? Let’s go a little further. We need to talk about earnings. The company makes $100 a year the year we buy the stock (or $1 for each share we own). The next year after the buyback earnings only grow 5% to $105 dollars, but on a per share basis because the are less shares outstanding they grow from $1 to $1.10 or 10% ($105 / 95 shares). In this case the buyback grew earnings per share from what would have been only 5% to 10%. What does this do to the price of the stock? If it trades at a pe of 15, then at $1.05 per share earnings it would be priced at $15.75, at $1.10 in earnings that gives us a price of $16.50. Now, you could also argue that a stock growing earnings per share at 10% would trade at a higher pe (therefore price) than a stock growing at only 5% (and probably be correct) but I am just trying to keep the comparison easy.

How do buybacks effect the dividend? Our hypothetical stock here also pays us a $1 annual dividend. The cost of that dividend to the company is $100 ($1 X 100 shares). After the buyback if the company still commits to spend $100 on dividends then that per share dividend is raised 5% to $1.05 a share ($100 / 95 shares) with no additional funds being expended by the company. A win / win. Harley has bought back almost 40 million shares since 2004 and raised it’s dividend from 20 cents a share to over 80 cents (over 300%).

So, why not buy it now? You ask..

It will get cheaper, that is why. Here are a couple reason that are setting us up for a Value Play..

Insider Selling: The price of HOG rose about 50% during the last six month of 2006 and have remained more or less at that level. After the rise insiders sold 1.5 million shares. Now 966,000 were from a retired CEO that had to either sell them or lose them so we must eliminate them from our thinking. But, for those who do not do their homework, they only see the whole number and think “there must be a problem”. The reality is that you had people taking advantage of a huge run in the stock. They also recognized that for the stock to jump 50% when earnings only grew12% (and are not projected to grow much more than that in the future) that there was a disconnect and the price should fall in the future. Fund managers also realize this and will dump shares as their price growth this quarter may lag the market thus affecting the returns they can advertise. The result? They dump the shares and move on to another stock. Since these guys are all lemmings it will happen en-mass causing the price to fall.

A Strike: For the first time in history Harley has a strike at its production facility in York, PA. This plant makes Harley’s most profitable bikes. Now even though Harley says there should be no long term effect, there will be an effect now and this year (the longer the strike, the larger the effect). This will cause earnings to be negatively effected and that will spill over into the stock. Bank of America analyst Michael Savner said a strike could cost the company almost 1 cent per share of earnings per day. So a 50 day strike could cost the company the 50 cents a share they grew earnings in 2006 over 2005. That would cause the stock to drop.

Credit: Harley has been selling more and more self financed motorcycles recently through Harley Davidson Finance (this is no different that any other retailer offering you “a credit card” at the checkout). The number of bikes sold this way has gone from 21% to about 48% in the past 6 years. There is concern that more of these loans may be of questionable credit. This could cause losses or decreased earnings at this division which would negatively effect earnings as a whole. True or not it is irrelevant (I believe the fears are overblown) but the hint of yet another possible problem adds more fear to the stock and fear usually equals a stock price decline.

All three of these negative catalysts are temporary in nature and have no real long term negative effect on the company. They should have a negative effect in the short term though. Let’s just sit back and wait for the price drop. I need to add a disclaimer here. Everything I say only applies to the information were have today. What? If the strike is settled tomorrow and Mastercard buys the credit division we have immediately eliminated two factors weighing on the stock. That may cause the stock top turn around and go up. So we may miss an opportunity to buy the stock at an ok price today. That’s fine because we want to buy it at a great price. If you are a batter in baseball, you are more likely to succeed letting the ok pitches go by and wait for the perfect pitch to hit. Why take a chance and swing at an ok pitch only to pop out when you can wait for a great pitch and hit a home run? Unlike baseball, in investing you can stand at the plate as long as you want and wait for the perfect pitch.

So, what price to look for?

HOG rose over 50% the second half of 2006 and hit $75 a share (38% for the whole year Jan 1 to Dec. 31). Earning will grow 12% in 2006 and probably the same in 2007 (strike dependent) we need to give most of that back in order to consider shares of HOG. Look for a price of $60 or under as an entry point. At a $60 price it will trade at a pe of 15 times 2006 earnings. This matters because if the strike does last, 2007 earnings may match 2006 (at this price, there would not be much more downside). If HOG trades at 17 times the projected 2007 earnings (usual multiple) of around $4.51, then you get a price of $76. The potential problem in paying a high price for “next years” earnings is if they do not materialize, you are left holding the short straw. It is all about the earnings. If you buy it now your upside is maybe $5 or $6 or 7% (if everything goes right) with a lot of near term uncertainty (risk) that could blossom into more depressing the shares. If you wait to see how these events shake out, your risk is minimized and your upside is much greater (14% or more).

I will add it to the portfolio under a “watch list” category and track it’s progress to our buy point, if it ever gets there. Remember, if it doesn’t, no big deal. We’ll just wait for the next pitch.


Some Portfolio Updates

SHLD- Is there something Going On Here?
SHLD has been bouncing around rather undramatically between $170 and $180 for the better part of a couple months now. Investors have been waiting for Eddie Lampert to make his next long awaited acquisition and for the FY 2007 results on about March 1st. Barring any significant news, I had not expected the stock to do much of anything exciting either way. Something very interesting happened Monday while you were at lunch. At about 12:30 buyers (or one big one) came into the market big time and SHLD shares jumped from $178 to almost $183 in only 16 minutes. Clearly somebody thought they new something. Had this just been a mutual fund buying shares to accumulate a position they would have done so gradually and not caused the spike in the price. This was somebody big rushing in as fast as they could to be there before an event. It is clear that they though news was imminent that was going to drive the stock up and wanted to be there first. It is called “unusual volume”. No news was released and the stock settled just shy of $180 up 1.55 % for the day. Nobody can keep a secret on Wall St. no matter how hard the regulators try to keep them quiet. Keep an eye out…

Owens Corning (NYSE: OC) announced that it is currently scheduled to announce its fourth quarter and full-year financial results on Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2007, prior to the opening of the New York Stock Exchange.

Dave Brown, president and chief executive officer, and Mike Thaman, chairman and chief financial officer, will host an earnings conference call on Wednesday, Feb. 21 to discuss the company’s results for the fourth quarter and full year of 2006.

Owens Corning also established the following dates to announce financial results in 2007. These dates are a forecast of Owens Corning’s earnings announcement calendar and are subject to change.

   -- May 2, 2007 - First quarter 2007 financial results
-- Aug. 1, 2007 - Second quarter 2007 financial results
-- Nov. 1, 2007 - Third quarter 2007 financial results

Archer Daniel’s Midland announced CEO Patricia Woetrz has been named Chairman of The Board. ADM, the world’s largest producer of both ethanol and bio diesel, is the largest American company headed by a female CEO. ADM also raised it quarterly dividend by 15% to 11.5 cents a share. This is payable on March 9th and will be reflected in the portfolio in the April update.

DOW Chemical CEO Andrew Liveras
In re-reading the recent interview he did after last quarters earnings something struck me. Mr. Liveras in a value investor! Look at what he said when asked if DOW would use its growing cash hoard to make acquisitions. He said “asset prices in many areas are inflated due to private equity” he went on, “in this environment we would be more likely to be a seller of assets than a buyer”. In the same vein he said “any acquisition we were to consider would have to be immediately accredive to earnings”. Translation: If it is not cheap enough to add to earnings this year we will not do it. So, he is willing to sell overpriced assets and will only buy underpriced ones…. sound like a value guy to me.

The Wall Street Journal & Value Plays:
On Thursday Feb. 1 I posted here that Altria shareholders should dump their Kraft shares after the spin off. On Monday the Wall St. Journal penned a pieced titled “Altria holders may bet against Kraft shares”, in it they suggested another way to profit from the expected surge of Kraft shares hitting the market. From the article:

“The hedge is on shares of Kraft Foods Inc. that Altria shareholders are about to receive. Altria will spin off its stake in Kraft next month, giving investors 0.7 share of Kraft for every Altria share they hold.

Excitement about the move, which was announced last week, has helped lift Altria’s shares about 13% since the third quarter, as the company overcame barriers to the spinoff.

Shares of Kraft, on the other hand, have lost nearly 5% in the four months as the company has faced competition and cost pressures.

So it is understandable that Altria shareholders might not be that interested in keeping the shares of Kraft they are due to receive, and that has some expecting that a flood of stock for sale will cause a notable decline in Kraft’s share price. “More than $50 billion of Kraft equity needing to find a home all at once will likely cause an extended oversupply of the shares,” D.A. Davidson analyst Timothy Ramey said in a recent note.

Investors worried about this should “go out and buy puts even though they don’t own the stock yet,” said Joseph Palazzola, options strategist at A.G. Edwards & Sons.

By doing so, investors can lock in Kraft’s current $34.03 share price — less the cost of the puts, of course.”

Buying any option entails an investor being prepared to lose all of their money since when you buy an option you do not actually own anything. It’s value is based on the difference between the strike price of the option and the price of the stock it tracks. In theory you could go to lunch, have good news make the stock jump and be left holding an option worth nothing in this case. Add to this options trade on supply demand just like other securities so the price you will be paying for these suggested puts will be expensive. Short term options trading is very volatile and if you cannot watch these trades you could lose your whole bet (notice I said bet and not investment, short term option trading is just that, betting not investing). Unless you own at least a thousand shares of MO and would be receiving 700 Kraft shares, after you figure in transaction costs, the risk you are taking on vs the potential reward is just not worth it. I will not do any of this. I will take my spin off, be happy and not get greedy.

As of this morning our USO pick is up almost 10% in a few weeks. Remember, when I recommended it I said I thought at that price it was at equilibrium. Any news would cause it to jump either way. The current cold snap in the US has cause upward price pressure. Should this cold last expect this trend to continue. Complicating matters is Iran again. They recently said that on March 11 they will have a “significant announcement”. Who knows what that means. But as that date comes closer speculation will grow rampant. That will lead to fear. Remember, fear in the oil markets acts contrary to fear in the stock market. This fear will cause the price of oil to rise. If the news is rather benign, expect oil to fall (assuming no other major event leading up to it). Should the price of oil run up ahead of the announcement on a worse case scenario and the news is bad, oil may just sit where it is since this news has already been factored in. What am I trying to say? Do not get either to happy or frustrated with this. I said oil is very volatile and the last two weeks have proven that. The long term fundamentals of the investment still remain. Just sit back and hold on.