
Tuesday's Links

NY Times, Staying in foreclosed Homes, No kidding, Gimmicks

– This made me laugh out loud…nice.

– I have said this before, the banks do not want the homes…

– They are becoming the masters of the obvious

Gimmicks like this are not going to change the fortunes of Starbucks (SBUX)

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Tuesday’s Links

NY Times, Staying in foreclosed Homes, No kidding, Gimmicks

– This made me laugh out loud…nice.

– I have said this before, the banks do not want the homes…

– They are becoming the masters of the obvious

Gimmicks like this are not going to change the fortunes of Starbucks (SBUX)

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Tuesday’s Links

Tipping, LTCM again, Starbucks’ “social networking site”, Hillary.

– This was fascinating

– Remember John Meriweather? Left Solomon in the 80’s amid bond trading scandal, then founded LTCM which imploded, almost taking 6 banks with it and now…. back at his old tricks.

– Finally got it….it is just an idea factory.

– Oops….Bet she never though this stuff would see the light of day
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"Fast Money" for Monday

Monday’s Picks
Jeff Macke believes in the financials breakout and is buying the XLF (XLF) $26.32

Guy Adami’s going with Microsoft (MSFT) $29.18 which he predicts gets a 30-handle.

Tim Seymour said the time is right to buy PetroChina (PTR) $122.55

Pete Najarian is bullish on Oracle (ORCL) $20.08 into its earnings next Wednesday.

Thursday’s Results
Jeff Macke recommends selling the United States Oil Fund (USO) $82.29 Close $81.30 GAIN

Guy Adami thinks Starbucks (SBUX) $17.50 is a buy with a tight stop. Close $17.53 GAIN

Tim Seymoyr prefers iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Index (EEM) $126.467 Close $128.60 GAIN

Pete Najarian anticpates upside in Merck (MRK) $42.99. Close $43.36 GAIN

2008 Records:
Brian Schaeffer= 0-1
Carter Worth= 0-1
Jon Najarian= 4-1
Jeff Macke= 20-13
Tim Seymore= 11-6
Guy Adami= 20-20
Pete Najarian= 20-16
Karen Finerman= 16-20-1
Joe Terrenova= 1-1

2007 Results (Since 6/21):
Guy Adami= 58-46 = 56%
Jeff Macke= 60-40 = 60%
Pete Najarian= 49-41 = 54%

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Starbucks: What Are They Doing Out There?

This one is priceless…..

So, yesterday Starbucks (SBUX) announced its “transformational ideas” to bring life back to the company. Rather than recite them in detail, here they are in brief, new machines, ground coffee, rewards card, social site. Yea, I though the same thing, “you kidding me?”

Now I read this little nugget in the USA Today:
“Consumers will be encouraged to submit ideas, to comment and vote on ideas from others, and even to follow along as ideas evolve into real products (on the new “social site”). Some 48 Starbucks employees will respond to comments on the site, and Schultz will have a blog. Alas, consumers will not be compensated for ideas that Starbucks adopts, says spokesman Brandon Borrman.”

Is this what Schultz $ Co. have been reduced to? Having employees pilfer ideas from customers? Guys, you sell coffee, you are not splicing DNA out there in Seattle. Go back to what you do best and stop all this ancillary garbage that clearly has taken your mind off the game. CD sales, not working, end it. Breakfast and lunch, done. If I want a book, I’ll go to Borders (BGP), not the local coffee shop. Just because you have empty floor and counter space, you do not need to put crap there to sell.

Howard, rather than blogging away the day, figure out how to get me a coffee in under ten minutes when there are more than 5 people in line. How about a location I can actually sit in? This is getting out of control.

The question is now this. What is Starbucks? Is it a coffee house chain? I mean, wasn’t that the genesis of the whole thing? Wasn’t Starbucks modeled after Italian style coffee houses Schultz visited in Europe? They are so far away from that now, getting back may just require a complete “do over”. They have now unequivocally lost their soul. No question.

Trolling the web for ideas……..sad

Alas shareholders, Schultz, far from being the company’s savior, may just be its largest hurdle…

Disclosure (“none” means no position):None (thank god)

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Thursday’s Links

Cramer, Starbucks, Best Buy, Bear on Ebay

– Now we catch altering its website to scrub Cramer’s bullish call on Bear Sterns (BSC) days before its implosion. Deplorable…………

– Get out of the music biz….focus on coffee..

– This is how you build loyalty…. yes Circuit City (CC) missed the boat….. again

This is great

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"Fast Money" for Thursday

Thursday’s Picks
Jeff Macke recommends selling the United States Oil Fund (USO) $82.29

Guy Adami thinks Starbucks (SBUX) $17.50 is a buy with a tight stop.

Tim Seymoyr prefers iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Index (EEM) $126.467

Pete Najarian anticpates upside in Merck (MRK) $42.99 .

Wednesday’s Results
Jeff Macke urged investors to get out of gold – specifically, to sell the GLD (GLD) $96.50 Close $ 93.04 GAIN

Adobe’s (ADBE) $31.88 after-hours surge bodes well for Oracle (ORCL) $20.02 Guy Adami said. Close $19.56 LOSS

Tim Seymour would short the FXE (FXE) $156.66 , which is a long play on the euro. Close $156.41 GAIN

Pete Najarian is riding the explosion in refiners with Tesoro (TSO) $29.56 Close $30.30 GAIN

2008 Records:
Brian Schaeffer= 0-1
Carter Worth= 0-1
Jon Najarian= 4-1
Jeff Macke= 19-13
Tim Seymore= 10-6
Guy Adami= 19-20
Pete Najarian= 19-16
Karen Finerman= 16-20-1
Joe Terrenova= 1-1

2007 Results (Since 6/21):
Guy Adami= 58-46 = 56%
Jeff Macke= 60-40 = 60%
Pete Najarian= 49-41 = 54%

Disclosure (“none” means no position):

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Starbucks: Initial Reports Not Encouraging

Some initial thoughts on early reports on Starbucks’ (SBUX) “initiatives”.

In an interview before the meeting, Starbucks executives said they want to bring back some of the romance and theater that’s been missing from stores since the company switched to using sealed grounds years ago. Starbucks will quit using flavor-locked bags of pre-ground coffee next month and get back to grinding beans in most of its U.S. stores.

Starbucks’ senior vice president of global strategy, Michelle Gass says she expects the change will improve sales that have gone to rivals McDonalds (MCD) and Dunkin’ Donuts.

One quote struck me, “”We have an economy in a tailspin . . . and a company whose performance has not met your expectations or mine,” Howard Schultz. Earth to Howard, we have not even had one quarter of negative GDP, this not only does not qualify as a tailspin, it barely qualifies as a hiccup. This is alarming as Schultz is seeming to push the chains poor results, which have been deteriorating for longer than the economy on outside factors.

Has he seen McDonald’s results?

Rather than a return to what they do best, Starbucks seems intent, at least after initial reports to be running around in more directions. After begging them to get rid of the clutter in the stores, a report is out that they sell approximately 2 Cd’s per day per location. What is the point for forging ahead with this? The resource expenditure in terms of money, human time and stores space is tremendous for essentially zero return.

Here are the initiatives:
* A proprietary and revolutionary in-store Clover® brewing system that delivers the best cup of brewed coffee available anywhere;
* A complete reinvention of brewed coffee in-store, that will be brought to life by baristas across the U.S., who will scoop and grind a new unique coffee blend, connecting customers to the early days of Starbucks;
* The introduction of a new state-of-the-art espresso system that provides the perfect shot every time and helps facilitate the critical connection between barista and customer;
* The first phase of a Starbucks Card Rewards program, rewarding registered cardholders and providing unique new benefits when using their cards in Starbucks stores;
* The launch of, Starbucks first online community, that takes the Starbucks Experience outside the store and enables customers to play a role in shaping the company’s future; and,
* An expanded relationship with Conservation International

A social networking site? Why? An expanded relationship with Conservation International? Nice, but, who really cares? Stocking your shelves with 100% organic products would have made a much larger difference with countless more folks. It seems as though Schultz is driving the company to be almost a social experiment and is ignoring his business’s realities. When he started, he had almost no competition. Now the competition is fierce. A social networking site will be meaningless long term.

The initiatives set to “transform” the company simply fall flat and will perpetuate the current slide. As a casual Starbucks user, only one of the six actually will have any affect on me and any purchasing decision and even it is negligible. A new espresso machine and coffee brewer? So what. Are you telling me what is in there now is no good? The one that will actually matter? A rewards card, not a bad idea.

Schultz & Co. still have not addressed the chief complaints people have, Convenience, Price and Service. Until they do, do not expect any dramatic improvement.

Disclosure (“none” means no position):None

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Monday’s Links

Blogging, Lampert, More Lampert, Jeff Mathews

– Jane Genova has a great interview on blogging

– An NPR piece on Lampert and Sears,

The Economist takes a look at Sears Chairman

– Jeff has some interesting thoughts on Starbucks

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Starbucks "Transformation": Necessary?

In a press release, Starbucks (SBUX) announced it will disclose “transformational initiatives” at it annual meeting next Wednesday. Here is my two cents.

My first though when I read this was: Is it necessary? Hadn’t they done just fine up until this point? Didn’t they get themselves in to trouble in all actuality when they tried to “transform” away from what they did best?

What should they announce then? Here are some directional ideas.

1- If you are going to claim to be “upscale” or “premium”, then you have to act like it. The only thing upscale about the Starbucks experience in many locations is the price. Get rid of all the junk for sale that makes me feel claustrophobic when I try to maneuver myself to the counter. Expand locations to give us more seating. If I have to wait to get my drink made, please ask me to go sit down and then bring it to me. Also, I should not have to clean off the table when I sit down at it.

These are not real big things, they are basics and McDonalds (MCD) currently does them. Yet location after location ignores these. You are not doing me a favor letting me drink coffee there.

2- Shrink the menu. Do fewer things very well rather than a bunch just ok. There is a big variation in the same drink from location to location. That may have changed after the recent “training” but with new baristas being hired everyday, the unwieldy menu can only lead to mistakes and more unhappy customers.

3- Organic: Everything sold at the stores should be organic. The population is drifting that way in its food choices and Starbucks ought to be a leader here. This also goes with the “acting upscale” theme.

4- Be Nice: If I order a “large” do not correct me and say “it is called a vente”. Just smile and give me a large.

5- Kids. Your stores could not be more kid unfriendly if you tried. Everything for sale is waist height which means any kid under 6 will look at it, touch it and possible break or try to eat it. I am not saying put a jungle gym in, what I am saying is that less people will avoid the locations who have children if they do not fear what they will get into taking the kids in.

6- Price: You are at the top.

None of these are a magic bullet but when taken together and enacted, they will begin to change some of the negative sentiment that has built up out there towards the chain. Many of these things were all done years ago but Starbucks drifted away from them in an effort to maximize dollar per square foot. In all reality, by drifting from their core, they alienated many people.

Disclosure (“none” means no position):Long MCD. none

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Groundhog Day

Remember the movie “Groundhog Day”? Bill Murray keeps waking up and it is the same day over and over? This has become what reading McDonalds’ (MCD) monthly sales figure has become.

For February:
* Same-store sales in the U.S. rose 8.3% during the month, led by breakfast and coffee offerings.
* European same-store sales grew by an impressive 15.4% on strong results in the U.K., France, Germany and Russia.
* Asia Pacific region, Middle East and Africa rose 10.9% for the month, mostly on strength in Australia, China and Japan.
* Systemwide sales, which include restaurants owned by franchisees and affiliates operating under joint-venture agreements rose 13.2% in February.

It is all about the two C’s. Coffee and convenience. I have been saying the same thing since Feb. of last year and nothing that has happened since then could lead anyone to think that things are due to change anytime soon. Id McDonald’s going to become less convenient anytime soon? No. What are they going to do? Expand the coffee offerings. That can only lead to more interested people choosing to get their fix from Ronald & Crew at convenient locations at value prices.

Compare this to Starbucks (SBUX) that has maintained the coffee, increased prices and diminished the convenience factor with the addition of sandwiches and micro locations that force you to wait in line outside. Any wonder the stock has cratered in the past year, down well over 50% since my first post on the subject?

Disclosure (“none” means no position):Long MCD, none

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Thursday’s Links

Bolling, Starbucks, Bloggystyle, Tilson

– This guy is great. I wonder if he will bring up Jim Cramer stiffing him on a bet (made on TV)

– Still not being honest with shareholders.

– Adam has a good one this week

– Whitney responds to Whitman

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Monday’s Links

Bloggystyle, Plates, Google, Perfection

– Adam Warner is out with his latest edition.

– This isn’t a half bad idea..

– The Stock Masters say buy Google.

– Never promise this, it cannot be delivered on a massive scale day after day

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"Fast Money" for Thursday

Thursday’s Picks
Jeff Macke likes Wal-Mart (WMT) $51.44

Karen Finerman recommends Fannie Mae (FNM) $27.27

Pete Najarian thinks Cisco (CSCO) $24.95 is a buy.

Wednesday’s Results
Jeff Macke likes Starbucks (SBUX) $19.06 Close $19.04 LOSS

Guy Adami prefers Baker Hughes (BHI) $71.11 Close $69.99 LOSS

Karen Finerman recommends Microsoft (MSFT) $28.38 Close $28.26 LOSS

Pete Najarian thinks XTO Energy (XTO) $60.74 is a buy. Close $60.52 LOSS

2008 Records:
Brian Schaeffer= 0-1
Carter Worth= 0-1
Jon Najarian= 4-1
Jeff Macke= 14-10
Tim Seymore= 5-4
Guy Adami= 13-14
Pete Najarian= 12-9
Karen Finerman= 13-12-1

2007 Results (Since 6/21):
Guy Adami= 58-46 = 56%
Jeff Macke= 60-40 = 60%
Pete Najarian= 49-41 = 54%

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"Fast Money" for Wednesday

Wednesday’s Picks
Jeff Macke likes Starbucks (SBUX0 $19.06

Guy Adami prefers Baker Hughes (BHI) $71.11

Karen Finerman recommends Microsoft (MSFT) $28.38

Pete Najarian thinks XTO Energy (XTO) $60.74 is a buy.

Tuesday’s Results


2008 Records:
Brian Schaeffer= 0-1
Carter Worth= 0-1
Jon Najarian= 4-1
Jeff Macke= 14-9
Tim Seymore= 5-4
Guy Adami= 13-13
Pete Najarian= 12-8
Karen Finerman= 13-11-1

2007 Results (Since 6/21):
Guy Adami= 58-46 = 56%
Jeff Macke= 60-40 = 60%
Pete Najarian= 49-41 = 54%

Disclosure (“none” means no position):

Todd Sullivan's- ValuePlays

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